- After a long period of hibernation, this week was all about being out. Out at the theatre, out in the office, out for dinners, out dancing, and finally, tuckered out.
- On Monday, saw a 20th anniversary concert version of Taboo the musical at the Palladium. The show and the venue were absolute hot messes; messy plot, fabulous characters everywhere, everyone treading on each others’ toes. Glorious.
- Cycling with clipless has gone from a total pain in the arse to second nature in the space of two weeks, which I’m pretty relieved about. It took about 120 miles of zooming about to get into the habit of clipping in and out without thinking, but I’m there now. The subconscious goes at its own pace.
- Frances took me on a mystery cycle tour, which turned out to be themed as a celebration of the Chinese new year of the tiger. It was a lot of fun!

- The Bleeding Obvious came to visit and we recorded some backing vocals for her upcoming third album in our spare room. It serves as a poor studio, having to pause every fifteen minutes to let the church bells do their thing, or the horns and sirens from the road. But we made it work.
- Went to an actual house party with lots of really good people. Danced! Accidentally stayed until 5am. This may have been ill advised, but I think I needed it quite badly.